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Stanislav Cherchesov in interview with Nemzeti Sport

Stanislav Cherchesov spoke about Ferencvaros, upcoming Euro 2024 and career prospects in an exclusive interview with Nemzeti Sport. 
Aren't you bored without football?
Without football? That is something that never happens to me. Here in Moscow, I'm constantly meeting with coaches and sports leaders. We often lunch or dinner together. I also make sure to attend important matches, whether it's CSKA, Spartak, Dynamo, or Lokomotiv playing. And I watch football on TV non-stop, so football is an integral part of my life. There is no day that football isn't discussed around me.
Do you miss coaching? Are you tempted by offers from clubs?
Absolutely! In fact, I received an offer just two days ago. I prefer not to disclose where it came from, as that's not particularly relevant. I quickly wrapped up the conversation, expressed my gratitude, and declined the offer.
It simply wasn't thrilling enough for me. When I commit to my next job, it will be in a place that promises an exciting experience, both professionally and personally. Recently, I've been approached by two national associations wanting me to coach their teams. However, I'm not in a hurry. Before I left Ferencváros, I was working almost non-stop for nearly eight years, with just brief pauses. Now, I finally have some time for my family and for myself. Plus, I can complete personal projects, like the ongoing renovation of our apartment, which I never had time for before. So for now it feels good to be at home in Moscow.
Don’t you normally live in Tyrol, Austria?
Yes, that’s where our family home is located. But my children are here in Russia, and we currently prefer spending our time here.
Have you heard of what happened at Ferencváros?
Yes, I have. I dedicated two years of my life to Fradi, so naturally, I keep track of what's going on with the club. One way or another, my name has also been included in the history of Ferencváros. I watched the cup final as well, and I was disappointed that we didn't secure the double, especially since Ferencváros is a far stronger team than Paks.
I was referring to the unexpected departure of coach Dejan Stanković…
I guessed so. I just tried being a gentleman and deliberately skirted around the subject. It’s difficult to comment on such matters… During my time as the coach of FTC, my commitment never faltered. I was honored to work for such a renowned club, and to be trusted by the leaders of Hungary's top team. That was not mere lip service. Believe me, I received some very enticing offers, some which would have significantly multiplied my salary. However, the thought of betraying Ferencváros never once entered my mind. I commit wholeheartedly to my work, with the sole focus on achieving success. As for Dejan Stanković, he made his choice, and that’s his personal and professional prerogative.
You are familiar with the Moscow teams. Do you think he made the right choice accepting the offer from Spartak Moscow?
I don't know, and it's not my role to judge. He could have stayed with Ferencváros and competed in the Champions League qualifiers, but he won't have that chance at Spartak. Also, I liken it to a personal relationship: when one partner leaves another, it's hard to say who ends up luckier—the one who left or the one who was left.
The European Championship is starting soon. Are you looking forward to it?
Absolutely, I'm very excited. Russian TV has already approached me to possibly work as an expert for some of the matches, but I haven't made a final decision yet. We've agreed that if no other compelling offer comes my way and I remain available, I'd be delighted to join the broadcast team.
Won't you watch any matches at the venue?
I'll be in Austria during the tournament, but may cross over to Germany for a few games. There are some exciting matchups in Munich and Stuttgart, which are conveniently close to the border.
Who do you think is the favorite of the tournament?
It’s difficult to pinpoint just one team in such a competitive event. For me, the host nation, Germany, along with France and England, are the frontrunners. I also see Portugal as a particularly strong contender. I'm familiar with their coach, Roberto Martinez, and he has brought a fresh style to the team. They play a modern brand of football that could take them far in the European Championship. I'm looking forward to some fantastic matches—the field is packed with talented players capable of turning games on their own. Ultimately, the winner will need to be flawless in their execution.
Can the Hungarians cause a surprise?
I'm rooting for them! I've seen several matches of Marco Rossi's team, they performed excellently at the last European Championship, and they might advance from their group this time. They are a stable team that raises their game against stronger opponents. It's important that no one gets injured in the two weeks leading up to the start of the tournament. I'm particularly rooting for my former players, Dénes Dibusz, Endre Botka, and Barnabás Varga. We signed Varga from Paks at my request, and we saw last season what kind of football he is capable of, a great striker.
Will you ever come back to Hungary?
Not just out of politeness, but my wife and I fell in love with Budapest. We really enjoyed our time there, we had time to get to know the Hungarian people, who are extremely kind. Whenever we walked along the Danube, fans would stop us, chat with us, and ask for a photo. Regardless of what happened at Ferencváros, I only remember the good and the positive.
Can the Hungarians cause a surprise?
I'm definitely rooting for them! I've watched several of Marco Rossi's team matches; they performed brilliantly at the last European Championship and could well advance from their group this time around. They're a solid team that tends to elevate their game when facing stronger opponents. It's crucial that they avoid injuries in the lead-up to the tournament. I'm particularly supportive of my former players, Dénes Dibusz, Endre Botka, and Barnabás Varga. We brought Varga from Paks at my insistence, and he demonstrated last season that he's a top-class striker.
Will you ever come back to Hungary?
It's not just out of politeness, but I have to mentioned that my wife and myself fell in love with Budapest. We thoroughly enjoyed our time there, taking the opportunity to get to know the Hungarian people, who are incredibly welcoming. Whenever we strolled along the Danube, fans would stop to talk with us, request photos, and share their enthusiasm. Despite any challenges at Ferencváros, my memories of Hungary are filled with warmth and positivity.
